Simple Present Tense In Gujarati

  1. Simple Present Tense Rules In Gujarati
  2. The Simple Present Tense In Gujarati | Ep.10 | Pioneer Spoken ...
  3. Simple Present Tense Definition In Gujarati
  4. Simple Present Tense In Gujarati
  5. Simple Present Tense Part 01 In Gujarati || English Grammar ...

In this app you can study all English tenses with example in Gujarati language All the topics in this app are covered with the example in a most simple way. Our app covers the following Tense Introduction Simple Present Tense Simple Past Tense Simple Future Tense Continues Present Tense Continues Past Tense Continues Future Tense Perfect. The most common time expressions in the present simple are: usually, always, never, on Wednesdays, every Wednesday, twice a week, once a month, in general, every other day. Time expressions made up of one word are placed between the subject and the verb in positive sentences and questions and between the auxiliary verb and main verb in negative.

This 13th lesson deals with the present tense in Gujarati. In addition I included a vocabulary list about survival and emergencies. I will try to give examples using both vocabulary and grammar. That way it will be easy for you to see the words when they are separate and when they are in a sentence. Going through the whole page should take about 30 min. Make sure to read the pronunciation and hear the audio as well. If you have any question about this course, please email me directly at Gujarati Classes.

Simple Present Tense In GujaratiSee full list on


The present is one of the 3 tenses (past, present, and future) we will be discussing in the next 3 lessons. So it is recommended not to skip any of them because they are all related.

Simple Present Tense Rules In Gujarati

Simple Present Tense (In Gujarati) - YouTube

Below is a list of 15 sentences conjugated into the present tense. I focused on the examples you might come across or use very often. The table contains 3 columns (English, Gujarati, and Audio). Make sure you repeat each word after hearing it by either clicking on the audio button or by reading the pronunciation. That should help with memorization as well as improving your pronunciation.

I see youહું તને જોઉં છું
huṁ tanē jō'uṁ chuṁ
I write with a penહું પેનથી લખું છું
huṁ pēnathī lakhuṁ chuṁ
You love applesતમને સફરજન ગમે છે
tamanē sapharajana gamē chē
You give moneyતમે પૈસા આપો છો
tamē paisā āpō chō
You play tennisતમે ટેનિસ રમો છો
tamē ṭēnisa ramō chō
He reads a bookતે પુસ્તક વાંચે છે
tē pustaka vān̄cē chē
He understands meતે મને સમજે છે
tē manē samajē chē
She has a catતેની પાસે બિલાડી છે
tēnī pāsē bilāḍī chē
She knows my friendતે મારા મિત્રને જાણે છે
tē mārā mitranē jāṇē chē
We want to learnઅમે શીખવા માંગીએ છીએ
amē śīkhavā māṅgī'ē chī'ē
We think Spanish is easyઅમને લાગે છે કે સ્પેનિશ સરળ છે
amanē lāgē chē kē spēniśa saraḷa chē
You (plural) work hereતમે બધા (બહુવચન) અહીં કામ કરો છો
tamē badhā (bahuvacana) ahīṁ kāma karō chō
You (plural) speak Frenchતમે બધા (બહુવચન) ફ્રેન્ચ બોલો છો
tamē badhā (bahuvacana) phrēnca bōlō chō
They drive a carતેઓ કાર ચલાવે છે
tē'ō kāra calāvē chē
They smileતેઓ સ્મિત કરે છે,હસે છે
tē'ō smita karē chē,hasē chē


If you have any questions, please contact me using the Gujarati contact form on the header above.

Survival Expressions

Below is a list of 28 words related to survival expressions such as emergencies, and calling for help. If you can memorize them by heart, you will be able to communicate better when in distress or when providing help to someone else who is in need.

Headacheમાથાનો દુખાવો
māthānō dukhāvō
Heart attackહૃદયરોગનો હુમલો
hr̥dayarōganō humalō
Help meમારી મદદ કરો
mārī madada karō
Pharmacyફાર્મસી/દવાની દુકાન
phārmasī/davānī dukāna
Stomach acheપેટનો સણકો
pēṭanō saṇakō


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Simple present tense in gujarati pdf

The Simple Present Tense In Gujarati | Ep.10 | Pioneer Spoken ...

Daily Conversation in Gujarati

Finally, here are some common sentences to strengthen your conversation skills. For a complete list of commonly used sentences, please visit our Gujarati Phrases page. Enjoy!

Are you okay?તમે ઠીક છો?
tamē ṭhīka chō?
Call a doctor!ડૉક્ટરને બોલાવો!
Ḍŏkṭaranē bōlāvō!
Call the ambulance!એમ્બ્યુલન્સને બોલાવો
Ēmbyulansanē bōlāvō
Call the police!પોલીસને બોલાવો!
pōlīsanē bōlāvō!
Calm down!શાંત થાઓ!
Śānta thā'ō!
I feel sickમને બીમારી જેવું લાગે છે
Manē bīmārī jēvuṁ lāgē chē
It hurts hereઅહીં દુખે છે
ahīṁ dukhē chē
It's urgent!Urgent છે!
Urgent chē!
Where is the closest pharmacy?સૌથી નજીક ફાર્મસી ક્યાં છે?
Sauthī najīka phārmasī kyāṁ chē?
You look beautiful! (to a woman)તું બહુ સુંદર લાગે છે
Tuṁ bahu sundara lāgē chē
You have a beautiful nameતમારું નામ સરસ છે
tamāruṁ nāma sarasa chē
This is my wifeઆ મારી પત્ની છે
ā mārī patnī chē
This is my husbandઆ મારા પતિ છે
ā mārā pati chē

Simple Present Tense Definition In Gujarati

Fun Facts

Simple Present Tense In Gujarati

Language Quote: ❝To have another language is to possess a second soul.❞ ‒Charlemagne

Simple Present Tense Part 01 In Gujarati || English Grammar ...

Congratulations! You finished your 13th lesson in Gujarati about the present tense, and survival expressions. Are you ready for the next lesson? We recommend Gujarati Lesson 14. You can also simply click on one of the links below or go back to our Learn Gujarati homepage.